Ceiba Root Wellness Coaching

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15 Ways to Nourish the Whole Self

This past month was Self-Care September, and in my Ceiba Root Wellness Community Group, we focused on the concept of NOURISH and how we can apply this concept to improve various aspects of our lives. NOURISH is the first of the 5 Essential Elements of Healing that I introduced in my first blog, “5 Steps to Radical Self-Care”: NOURISH, CLEANSE, STRENGTHEN, RELEASE, and FOCUS.

“Nourish: What we consume has a direct impact on our ability to thrive. Eat whole foods, drink water, learn what works for your unique body, surround yourself with a supportive community, learn new things, use discernment to determine what is good for you to consume.” (1)

Let’s look at 15 Ways We Can Nourish our Body, Mind, and Spirit!

Nourish the body:

1. Exercise to build muscle, improve balance, increase flexibility and mobility and release serotonin, the “feel good hormone.” 

2. Get a massage, pamper yourself with a home spa or herbal bath.

3. Eat a balanced diet of whole foods, rich in nutrient-dense protein, healthy fats and fresh vegetables.

4. Go for a hike in nature. If you can find a gentle increase in elevation that’s challenging but not exhausting, that is the sweet spot for fat burning and maintaining healthy cardio condition.

5. Drink water when thirsty instead of sodas or fruit juices. Keep a 32 oz. water bottle available at your desk or in your home space, so you have instant access to hydration.

Nourish the Mind:

1. Stimulate the brain by learning a new language.

2. Travel to a new city or country you’ve never visited.

3. Take a different route to work or the grocery store, to stimulate curiosity.

4. Learn a new recipe or cook with new spices or veggies you’ve never tried before.

5. Practice mindfulness meditation to reduce stress and anxiety; recenter the focus internally.

Nourish the Spirit:

1. Engage in group activities like community gardening, group hiking, group yoga, group fitness class or group therapy.

2. Enroll in online classes where you can engage with virtual study groups.

3. Volunteer your time or skills as a selfless service to others.

4. Worship in community.

5. Dance to your favorite songs in the kitchen, while making your favorite dish and then share it with your people!

In conclusion, we consume all day long, every day. We consume food, information, energy, and other people’s emotions. And sometimes we aren’t even aware of what we’re consuming until it's too late and we start to experience information overload or burnout.

Taking time for yourself every day allows you to process all this consumption, and practice discernment about what is good and what is not necessary. We can make better choices when we take time to listen in to what’s good.

When I feel inundated with social media, I usually put my phone down and go outside for a walk in my neighborhood. When I return home, I cook a healthy meal or practice yoga/mindfulness meditation, and then resurface to re-engage with the world.

Whatever it takes, get in some time for yourself, you deserve it!

You are invited to attend the next series of weekly Free Ceiba Root Community Yoga Class, beginning in November! We also have a fun challenge coming up in November with a chance to win prizes, connect with the Ceiba Root community and establish healthy habits! Sign up HERE  for more information and to subscribe to my weekly newsletter, “From Root to Crown!”